Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2

Now here is a game that has been completely destroyed by reviews, which personally I think does not do the game justice.  The main complant the reviewers gave to this game was that it's just a same old Dynasty Warriors game with nothing new but then again do we want a Dynasty Warriors game to be any different?  -  I for one don't want it to change.

I feel that the reviews that complain about it being the same are completely untrue, compared with the other Dynasty Warriors games this is fast paced; it features not people but robots; it has a story mode fit for Gundam fans and a mission mode that will not only keep players busy for hours it will also test how good they are. 

Some of the missions really do need some serious strategy, boss battles in this game are brilliant as you fight giant Mobile Armours that are ten times the size of your robot ... sound hard? Well it can be however if you customise your robot for example, by adding parts to it and so forth these battles can be a lot easier.  Another way to make battles easier is by leveling up your Pilot in an RPG sort of way by doing battles and gaining EXP also by doing this you will aquire parts for your robot.

So if you compare this game to the previous title in the series instead of the Dynasty Warriors series then i think this game has a lot more to offer than the last one with: A longer game time completion; more robots to choose from and FREE downloadable content from PSN & XBL.  This game is well worth considering buying.  Plus when you think about it Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 is well better than most other Gundam games out there.

Should there be a third Dynasty Warriors Gundam? - The Verdict

